Fondazione Cariplo-Fondazione Telethon: Joint Call 2025

04 February 2025|
Fondazione CARIPLO – Fondazione TELETHON ALLIANCE JOINT CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - 2025 (31.01.2025). Objective Fondazione Cariplo (FC) and Fondazione Telethon ETS (FT) made an alliance to foster basic research to support projects focused on unknown aspects of rare diseases. Basic research, especially in the field of rare diseases, is still an orphan area of investment, but it is also pioneering for the development of applied research in more frequent diseases. Eligible applicants Applicants (Lead and Partner) can apply only to one type of Application of the FC-FT Joint Call, with one research project. A dual appointment in a foreign Institution is allowed only if it does not impinge on the effective conduct of the FC-FT research project. The holder of an active FC-FT Joint Call grant may apply only if such grant is completed or in the last administrative year (i.e., the administrative report of the penultimate year of funding has already been submitted to the FC and FT Grant Offices). This implies that in case of a positive outcome in the present call, the holder of an active FC-FT Joint Call grant (Lead or Partner) must complete or close such grant to activate the new project consistently with...
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