MAECI: Call for joint research project proposals Italy-Egypt - Years 2023-2025

29 September 2022|
Science and technology cooperation Italy-Egypt: Call for joint project proposals Years 2023-2025. The call is promoted within the framework of the Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Italy and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Priority research areas Project proposals must be submitted in one of the following priority research areas Renewable and sustainable Energy Material Science and Engineering Water management, agriculture and food technology Smart cities and big data management (e.g., health data and Covid-19 modelling, service industry, and technology management) New Technologies applied to Cultural and Natural Heritage Budget e Funding Scheme With regard to the present call the available funding scheme is: “Joint Research Projects”: this funding scheme is aimed at supporting joint research activities. The expenses are co-funded by both Parties. Inclusion of early career scientists in the research team will be positively evaluated. Funding will be granted to the projects listed in the Executive Programme within the limits of the available annual resources of each Party. The contribution granted by MAECI to “Joint Research Projects” is intended as co-funding support for the project, and therefore co-funding by the coordinating Italian Institution of approximately 50% of the...
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