Expected Impact:
The outcome should contribute to:
- Reduce dependencies on non-European suppliers by boosting the EDTIB and promoting the development of a European solution.
- Develop critical enablers for Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) operations and develop concept of critical enablers for EU Battlegroup missions.
- Enhance UxS self-defence and cooperative force protection.
- Increase readiness and availability for equipment and personnel deployment of EU military missions.
- Reduce the possible number of casualties on friendly forces.
- Interoperability milestones for Member States' ground capacity programs.
- Improve situational awareness, resilience and security of EU operations.
- Create a reference for manned-unmanned teaming modes and functions to improve the capabilities of the European defence industry to develop and supply state-of-the-art ground systems.
- Reinforce adaptation and interoperability of EU Member States' armed forces.
- Strengthen the EU's strategic autonomy in military capabilities.
- Optimise interoperability and synchronisation between manned and unmanned platforms, and soldier systems.
- Reduce the impact of the logistic footprint.
The use of Unmanned x (generic) Vehicles (UxVs) in military operations represents one of the most important innovations of recent years. Undoubtedly, UxVs exploitation is likely to grow in the coming years with the massive introduction of other autonomous systems in different domains (land, air, sea, space, cyber) and the increase of capabilities to work collaboratively between systems (swarms) and