EU4H-2024-PJ-02-2: Call for Proposals to increase health literacy for cancer prevention and care - CR-g-24-39

24 January 2025|
Expected Impact:

The expected result is the launch of projects to increase health literacy for cancer prevention and care.

This action will increase health literacy of the general population, patients, and health care specialists in the area of cancer prevention and care, will enable citizens to take informed decisions as regards prevention and screening, will help patients to take active involvement in treatment and will help health-care specialists to transmit the information in an easy-to understand way.


The main objective of this action is to support health literacy for cancer prevention and care, to improve health literacy and to focus on reducing inequalities in cancer prevention and care.

This action supports the implementation of the Europe's Beating Cancer Plan objective to launch a project on 'Health Literacy for Cancer Prevention and Care' and implements the EU4Health Programme's general objective of improving and fostering health in the Union (Article 3, point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2021/522) through the specific objectives defined in Article 4, point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2021/522.

The action should aim to:

  • improve health literacy of citizens, of patients of all ages, as well as of healthcare professionals;
  • improve health literacy of citizens on cancer prevention and provide them access to adequate and reliable health
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