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EU Missions info days
The sixth Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform ZPSP meeting will take place on 18 April 2024, in the Committee of the Regions in Brussels. The meeting will bring together members and observers to discuss key topics related to the Zero Pollution Action Plan. The meeting will focus on various topics, including progress and perspectives on the Zero Pollution Action Plan; Water Resilience and Zero Pollution; and evaluation, and implementation of the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform. The meeting will also provide a platform for stakeholders to share their perspectives on the progress and future direction of the Zero Pollution agenda. The agenda and further practical information will be added to this webpage as soon as it is available. Registration closes on: Monday 15042023 at 12:00Please note that we have moved to a new registration system. Already registered in the new system Sign up to participate in the meeting Not registered yet Register your organisation The Commission has published a call for tenders for a study to evaluate how CETA has worked in practice. The outcome of this study will feed into the evaluation of CETA, which will take the form of a Staff Working Document to be prepared by the Commission after the end of the project. In particular, this evaluation will examine: Lead speakers Moderator The meeting will take place via WEBEX. Webex access code and password will be sent to registered participants. We would be grateful if participants could launch their WEBEX connection at least 30 minutes in advance of the meeting so that any technical problems can be arranged in time before the meeting. The European Commission and the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance Platform will hold a technical workshop to discuss the uptake of the EU sustainable finance framework and to present aspects of the Platform's work. On 29 January 2024, the Platform published its "report on a compendium of market practices", which was presented in a webinar on 6 February 2024. The compendium provides use cases on how different key market participants are adopting the EU sustainable finance toolkit for designing transition strategies, structuring financial transactions, and reporting on sustainability efforts. The compendium illustrates the initial implementation of the key pillars of the EU sustainable finance agenda as set out in the 2018 Commission action plan on financing sustainable growth and confirmed in the 2021 strategy for financing the transition to a sustainable economy. Against this background, the event is intended to foster dialogue and collaboration among financial institutions, industry leaders, the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance and representatives from the European Commission. The workshop will show how the EU sustainable finance framework can mobilise green private finance and support the real economy's transition efforts, offering business and investment opportunities to companies. Representatives of the Platform will present the compendium and its concrete use cases and discuss transition finance policies, such as transition plans and the connection with the EU taxonomy. Finally, the Platform will present its intermediate reporton monitoring capital flows, which includes a methodology to measure the effective contribution of finance towards the objectives of the European green deal, drawing on regulatory disclosures as well as market trends. Participants can attend an informal networking event offered by the International Sustainable Finance Centre z.u. ISFC venue to be communicated closer to the date. Please confirm your interest in participating in the technical workshop and the networking event in the registration form. This will be a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and remote participation. To participate, please register before 12 April 2024. As in-person seats for this event are limited, Commission staff will review the expressions of interest in order to ensure a balanced audience.Participation will be confirmed on 14 April 2024. Register for the workshop The event will be livestreamed. EU Platform on Sustainable Finance Webinar on the report of the Platform on Sustainable Finance Sustainable finance Scaling-up private investments in energy efficiency is essential to diminish the gap between available public financing and financial needs for the clean energy transition and the related energy efficiency investments, and to help preserve public funding where it is most needed. Pursuant to Article 30 7 of the recast Energy Efficiency Directive EU20231791, the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition hereafter the Coalition is being established with a view to create a cooperation framework for action between Financial Institutions, the EU Member States and the Commission. In the margins of the Energy Council on 19 December 2023, Commissioner Simson and the Energy Ministers of all the EU Member States signed a Joint Declaration on Energy Efficiency Financing and the EEEFin Coalition, providing a strong political endorsement to this initiative. This high-level event, hosted by Commissioner Kadri Simson, will formally launch the Coalition and intends to debate the future of energy efficiency financing and the perspectives for the initiative. For social media EEEFinCoalition The registration link will be coming soon European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition Between 22 and 26 April 2024, the European Commission will, for a third continuous year, be present at the Hannover Messe, which his one of the world's largest industrial fairs. The first day includes a High-Level Conference followed by presentations and panel discussions dedicated to a different theme for each of the following days at the on-stand auditorium. The EU stand will also feature a support corner where participants will have the opportunity to talk to policy experts. Industry related polices and funding opportunities will be explained at the stand, including through10 interactive screens. The second day will be dedicated to the EU Energy Day at the Hannover Fair. Under the title Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy, the day conference will cover a broad range of topics and formats. Starting with an opening panel providing insights into the EU policy framework and its industrial competitiveness in the energy sector, subsequent sessions will delve into specific policy areas and initiatives. These include discussions on A dedicated session on energy efficiency will also offer the opportunity to introduce and explain the benefits of a new voluntary initiative, the "Code of conduct on interoperable energy smart appliances". Agenda and registration link to be provided soon. Web stream link will be available closer to the date too. For social media: EUatHM24 With recent technological breakthroughs and increased private investments the fusion industry is gaining momentum. Europe has always been at the forefront in fusion research and technology. For drawing the EU path to fusion commercialisation and for building up a world-leading industrial capability in fusion technology it is vital for the EU to capitalise on the experience gained from the JET and other fusion activities to date, including the current EUROfusion - Realising Fusion Energy, ITER - the way to new energy and BROADER APPROACH programmes. It is important to reflect on funding and regulatory needs and to discuss cooperation mechanisms between the governments, laboratories and industry. As a part of the ongoing common process with Directorate-General for Research and Development towards creating an agile policy framework for fusion research and innovation, Directorate-General for Energy invites the key fusion stakeholders to Strasbourg to discuss the current state of fusion in the EU and the ways to foster acceleration in fusion development. This discussion should seek concrete actions and recommendations for the European Commission and the EU countries to develop joint winning strategies and to build a thriving European ecosystem. Registration is mandatory. The link to the registration form will be published soon. What was the extent of the learning loss caused by the school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic across Europe What do we know about more vulnerable socio-economically disadvantaged students What kind of policies were implemented to counteract learning loss and what can we say about their effectiveness The European Commission in collaboration with experts in the field has published the book 'The Pandemic, Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Learning Outcomes. Cross-National Impact Analyses of Education Policy Reform'. During this book launch, the authors compare their case studies and look into what policies worked thus drawing some longer term lessons learnt and policy implications. Moderator of the event: Laura Cassio, Senior Expert at the European Commission, JRC Book your seat, 1 month left to register, registration will end on Tuesday 23 April 2024, 11:00 CEST Terminology of Vine and Wine is an important topic in Portugal, given the country's wine growing industry and production. This workshop will discuss terminology issues in several languages in the field of vine and wine. DGT will give its contribution by presenting the work developed internally. Webstreaming link and more information available here Seminario <<Terminologia da Vinha e o Vinho>> - Comissao Europeia Book your seat, 3 weeks left to register, registration will end on Monday 22 April 2024, 12:00 WEST The conference on Navigating a Changing Labour Migration Landscape in Lithuania and EMN Countries delves into the ways countries attempt to attract migrants, ensure ethical recruitment, and implement labour market integration policies. The conference will provide a platform for experts to explore viable solutions that can unlock labour market potential to address existing challenges. Book your seat, 2 weeks left to register, registration will end on Monday 15 April 2024, 00:00 CEST This meeting will take place on 24 April 2024 from 09.00 to 15.00 in Zagreb HR Working online is an increasingly important aspect of PCVE practitioners' work, a development that has been going on for years, and which received a significant push during the pandemic, when offline life was severely restricted. In recent years, RAN Practitioners has therefore continuously addressed the topic of online PCVE work and related topics such as extremist content and recruitment online. The RAN Practitioners thematic event on 'Online interventions,' which will take place in Zagreb HR on 24 April 2024, will focus on the online dimension of first line practitioners' daily practice. We will exchange on online interventions and how first line practitioners do part of their job online. We will also explore online referrals mechanisms and how online-offline interventions can be integrated. The target audience for this meeting is very specific: we will only invite PCVE practitioners who have experience with working online and only exit workers, youth workers and community police officers. Book your seat, the registration will end today, Tuesday 26 March 2024, 18:30 CET Organisation - European Migration Network Netherlands EMN Netherlands in cooperation with European Migration Network Belgium EMN Belgium Date - Wednesday 24 April, 11:30-18:00 CEST Venue - NH Hotel Den Haag, Prinses Margrietplantsoen 100, The Hague, the Netherlands Registration - Please register here by 19 April at the latest. Seats are limited, be sure to register on time. Please note that this is an on-site conference in person attendance only. Recent European case law effects the way EU Member States apply the EU Family reunification directive. At the EMN Netherlands Conference 2024, national and European experts will reflect on the approaches of their countries regarding family reunification procedures, the required means to demonstrate family ties and reunification with children. What are the positive and negative effects of different approaches, and are there any unforeseen consequences Moreover, EMN Netherlands and EMN Belgium will present the results of the soon to be published EMN study, which examines and compares family reunification procedures in all participating Member States. What to expect Presenting future young translators with the best practices to prepare themselves for after-graduate start of their language careers and to motivate them to take numerous initiatives already today, e.g. by developing and putting to best professional and personal use various skills, goal setting and networking with potential future employers. Special emphasis will be on how to make most of the path towards professional efficiency to develop one's best personal version as well.