Conferences and summits: InfoPoint conference: Social transformation through cultural engagement
This event aims at providing an overview of the function of intercultural and interfaith dialogue in crafting processes that contribute to transforming conflict, countering violent extremism, adapting to changing socio-cultural dynamics stemming from conflict and climate induced displacement and increasing skills for tolerance of religious and ethnic differences. It will also provide an insight in how artistic and cultural practices play a role in the intercultural dialogue processes.
The event will source knowledge from five EU-funded projects in Africa and the Middle East leveraging creative approaches to culture to support, nourish, and deepen capacities to embrace religious and cultural pluralism, implemented from 2018 to 2021.
The projects involved a diverse range of stakeholders, reaching over 150.000 people in 22 countries in Africa and the Middle East through 387 fellowship and project grants , numerous training and capacity building schemes, cultural and inter-religious events, women’s and youth dialogues as well as artistic activities.
The objective of the conference is to discuss the lessons learnt from these experiences, but also to reflect on the importance and necessity for intercultural dialogue practices in today’s world.
Language: English
Q&A session languages: English
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