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SIxth Annual Conference on Regulatory Scrutiny

The Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB) is pleased to announce that its Sixth Annual Conference on Regulatory Scrutiny will take place in Brussels on 22 May 2024, in the afternoon.

As usual, the Conference will be dedicated to exploring the findings of the RSB’s Annual Report and to bringing together different stakeholders - representatives of EU institutions as well as national public administrations and non-governmental sector - to reflect on regulatory scrutiny work in the European Commission in 2023. 

The Conference programme will include two panel discussions:

Panel I: Current scrutiny issues in impact assessments and evaluations  

Panel II: Emerging challenges for regulatory scrutiny and better regulation in the EU

As you will see from the draft programme attached, panel members will come from the European Commission, European Parliament, OECD, Member State authorities, Think Tanks and from academia.

It will be our pleasure to welcome you at this event! 

Registration link: Information (

Deadline for registration: 13/05/2024, 12 a.m. (CET)
