Conferences and summits: InfoPoint conference: Gender and Commons - Presentation of ILC Toolkit
Gender and Commons are a relatively still underexplored topic. ILC just produced a dedicated toolkit, with a focus on land rights, to identify challenges and best practices with regard to Gender and Commons.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday 18 March 2025
Time: 15:00 - 16:30 (CET)
Location: Online, Brussels, Belgium
Languages: English
The launch of the toolkit contributes to ILC's celebration of International Women’s Day. This conference aims at presenting the main findings and sharing the experiences featured in the toolkit. It also aims at contributing to the broader debate about the gender dimension in the policy and advocacy around the commons, community land tenure, and land rights for local communities.
The author of the research (and of the toolkit), and two of the key respondents will take us through the outcomes of the research, specific experiences across regions, and identify main challenges and best practices; including in the perspective of their replicability.
The conference will consider intersectional dynamics and explore the complex but positive interaction between women’s land rights, the commons, and community land rights. It will also highlight how women's participation in the struggle to secure community land rights can generate new opportunities for their involvement in the governance of common land and can contribute to their rights broadly.
- Étienne Coyette, INTPA F3 - Sustainable agri-food system and fisheries
- Elisabetta Cangelosi, Gender Justice Advisor at the International Land Coalition
- Maya Khanna, Research Associate at CEA Consulting
- Nalemuta Moison, PWC - Tanzania
- Kanchan Lama, WOCAN - Nepal - Gender Equality & Social Inclusion Expert
Q&A Session
Language: English