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Radicalisation Awareness Network: online dimension of first line practitioners' daily practice
Croatia, Europe

This event builds on previous meetings such as the C&N WG meeting ‘Digital frontrunners: key challenges and recommendations for online P/CVE work’ (June 2022), the LOCAL WG meeting ‘How to deal with the local impact of online (extremist) activities’ (June 2022), the RAN cross-cutting event ‘The online dimension of extremism and improving online P/CVE efforts’ (September 2022) and the Y&E WG meeting ‘Integrating the online dimension into offline pedagogical practices’ (May 2022).

Some challenges and questions that have been identified in the abovementioned meetings regarding working online and creating and implementing online interventions are:

The aim of this meeting is to:

We are currently inviting participants from three Working Groups’ constituencies to respond to this call; exit and probation workers (Rehabilitation WG), community police officers (POL WG) and youth workers (Y&E WG) who already have experience working with clients online and wish to exchange views with practitioners from other fields on how to best approach their online work and interventions.

If you are interested in participating in this meeting, please register through the following link.

Please fill in the registration form before 26 March. We will invite participants based on the answers provided. Please keep in mind that we can only invite a limited number of participants to this meeting to ensure valuable exchanges and interaction, so participation is not guaranteed.

Travel and accommodation are arranged and covered by RAN, and the meeting will be held in English.  

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact RAN Staff members Fenna Canters, Jonathan RussellMirjam Konings and Sophie Kuijper.

Please note this is a face-to-face event which requires travel. Your travel will be arranged by RAN. By applying for participation, you confirm your availability and willingness to travel for this meeting.
