Parliamentary committees : CONT Committee on Budgetary Control Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 1A002

Bruxelles, Belgium, Europe
Debates- Consideration of draft discharge reports 2022 -- Rapporteur: Petri SARVAMAA EPP- Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union Agencies for the financial year 2022: performance, financial management and control 20232182DEC- European Union Agency for Asylum 20232164DEC- European Union Aviation Safety Agency 20232145DEC- European Banking Authority 20232146DEC- Agency for Support for BEREC BEREC Office 20232141DEC- European Border and Coast Guard Agency 20232172DEC- European Chemicals Agency 20232148DEC- European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators ACER 20232140DEC- European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation Eurojust 20232168DEC- European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Cedefop 20232143DEC- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 20232147DEC- ENISA European Union Agency for Cybersecurity 20232159DEC- European Environment Agency 20232149DEC- European Fisheries Control Agency 20232150DEC- European Food Safety Authority 20232151DEC- European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions Eurofound 20232167DEC- European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 20232171DEC- European Institute for Gender Equality 20232152DEC- European Institute of Innovation and Technology EIT 20232154DEC- European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority 20232153DEC- European Labour Authority 20232155DEC- European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation Europol 20232169DEC- European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training CEPOL 20232144DEC- European Maritime Safety Agency 20232158DEC- European Medicines Agency 20232156DEC- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction 20232157DEC- European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice eu-LISA 20232165DEC- European Union Agency for Railways 20232160DEC- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work EU-OSHA 20232166DEC- European Securities and Markets Authority 20232162DEC- European Union Agency for the Space Programme 20232170DEC- Euratom Supply Agency 20232161DEC- European Training Foundation 20232163DEC- Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union 20232142DEC
Europe, Belgium, Bruxelles