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The European Commission and the European External Action Service will organise a high-level EU Arctic Forum and the Indigenous Peoples' Dialogue on 14 and 15 May 2024 in Brussels. Registration is for in-person attendance only. There is no registration fee. Book your seat, 2 weeks left to register, registration will end on Monday 29 April 2024, 23:59 CEST The European Commission and the European External Action Service will organise a high-level EU Arctic Forum and the Indigenous Peoples' Dialogue on 14 and 15 May 2024 in Brussels. Registration is for in-person attendance only. There is no registration fee. Book your seat, 2 weeks left to register, registration will end on Monday 29 April 2024, 23:59 CEST The Forum brings together Nepali and European businesses, to build and further strengthen trade and investment ties between investors of EU member states and Nepal. It targets facilitating joint investments and projects that can support Nepal's vision to be prosperous, supported by private sector led sustainable economic growth. The event will bring together experts and practitioners from Member State representations, business and trade associations, companies, consultancies, auditors and other stakeholders. Its goal is to showcase ongoing initiatives and discuss ideas for further mechanisms to support companies that apply the new reporting standards. The ESRS started to apply to the first companies in scope of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive CSRD as of financial year 2024. Effective and well-targeted support initiatives can help to reduce costs and burden for companies. Such initiatives can be developed at European, national and even regional and local levels. In addition to helping companies under the scope of the CSRD, support initiatives might also benefit SMEs who are not facing legal reporting requirements but who nevertheless face an increase in demand for sustainability information as a result of the so-called "trickle-down effect". The European Commission invites interested companies and stakeholders to register for this hybrid event. Register for the event For physical attendance registration is now closed. For online participation, registrations will be open until 9 May 2024 23:59 CEST On 16 May, the Equality Platform meeting will be hosted by Florence School of Regulation in Florence, and will bring together all actors involved in the Equality Platform activities - Directorate-General for Energy representatives, Platform members, signatories and project partners. Women play a key role in sustainable business and policymaking. Women in energy experience a unique journey, with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Nevertheless, their potential remains underutilised. The 5th Equality Platform meeting will discuss 'How to support women to become sustainable energy entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs' We will address the question how to best support women with equality-related ideas and initiatives, both in their own companies entrepreneurship, as well as employees within organisations intrapreneurship. Key topics relating to this include how to overcome obstacles such as access to finance and networks. Members who would like to register for the meeting in person or online, please contact us by email: ENER-EQUALITYec [dot] europa [dot] eu ENER-EQUALITY[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu. If you are not yet a member, please learn more about the initiative and how to apply on How to become a member, or send us a message to: ENER-EQUALITYec [dot] europa [dot] eu ENER-EQUALITY[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu. For social media: EqualEnerEU Ahead of the European elections, the Brussels Economic Forum BEF will discuss how democracy is linked to the economy, and how this year's vote will help shape the economy of the years to come. For over 20 years, the flagship annual economic event of the European Commission has gathered high-level European and international policymakers, academics, civil society and business leaders to identify key challenges and debate policy priorities. Join the EUBEF24 debate, register to secure your spot and receive the latest updates. Ahead of the European elections, the Brussels Economic Forum BEF will discuss how democracy is linked to the economy, and how this year's vote will help shape the economy of the years to come. For over 20 years, the flagship annual economic event of the European Commission has gathered high-level European and international policymakers, academics, civil society and business leaders to identify key challenges and debate policy priorities. Join the EUBEF24 debate, register to secure your spot and receive the latest updates. On 22 May 2024, the European Commission's Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union DG FISMA will organise a technical workshop to launch a targeted consultation on macroprudential policies for non-bank financial intermediaries. The event follows the adoption in January 2024 of the Commission report on the macroprudential review for credit institutions, the systemic risks and vulnerabilities of NBFI, and the interconnectedness with the banking sector. The report set out the Commission's intention to involve stakeholders in discussions on these issues in 2024. The objective of this increased stakeholder engagement - which also includes the targeted consultation - is to gather further insight into the markets and business models of NBFI, and the interconnectedness among them and with banks. It also aims to identify gaps in the macroprudential framework and other factors that may contribute to the build-up of systemic risks in NBFI. The objective of this technical workshop is to contribute to the international debate on macroprudential policies for NBFI, with a focus on This event aims to bring together representatives from EU and national authorities, non-EU country authorities, international organisations and the industry. The event also features an intervention by Commissioner Mairead McGuinness. Register for the event This will be a hybrid meeting with both in-person and online participation.If you would like to take part in person, please register before 8 May 2024. As in-person seats for this event are limited, Commission staff will review all expressions of interest in order to ensure a balanced audience. Participation will be confirmed by 13 May 2024. For online participation, registration will remain open until the day before the event. The link to follow the workshop live will be available soon. Registration closes on: Friday 17 May 2024Please note that we have moved to a new registration system. Already registered in the new system Sign up to participate in the meeting Not registered yet Register your organisation At this meeting, the European Commission will present and discuss with civil society recent developments in the EU's trade relations with India, and notably the state-of-play of negotiations for a free trade agreement with India. The meeting offers an opportunity for an exchange of views with civil society organisations on the EU's trade policy with India and its future. Lead speaker Moderator The meeting will take place via WEBEX. Webex access code and password will be sent to registered participants. We would be grateful if participants could launch their WEBEX connection at least 30 minutes in advance of the meeting so that any technical problems can be arranged in time before the meeting. The Forum is an opportunity for an in-depth exchange of views, allowing for the identification of successes and challenges, and shaping the future direction of the Mission. The event also showcases regional initiatives on adaptation and promotes dialogue between the community of participants. Registration closes on: Friday 17 May 2024 at 12:00Please note that we have moved to a new registration system. Already registered in the new system Sign up to participate in the meeting Not registered yet Register your organisation At this meeting, the European Commission will present and discuss with civil society recent developments in the EU's trade relations with ASEAN, and the state-of-play of bilateral free trade agreements with Singapore and Vietnam, as well as of negotiations for free trade agreements with Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia. The meeting offers an opportunity for an exchange of views with civil society organisations on the EU's trade policy with Southeast Asian countries and its future. Lead speaker Moderator The meeting will take place via WEBEX. Webex access code and password will be sent to registered participants. We would be grateful if participants could launch their WEBEX connection at least 30 minutes in advance of the meeting so that any technical problems can be arranged in time before the meeting. The annual European Electricity Regulatory Forum was set up on the initiative of the Commission in 1998 to discuss the creation of the internal electricity market. This year, the event will take place in Florence, Italy. The Forum is currently addressing the cross-border trade of electricity, in particular the management of scarce interconnection capacity and how to organise electricity markets to meet our decarbonisation objectives and facilitate the integration of renewable electricity. The invited participants and speakers include national regulatory authorities, Member State governments, the European Commission, Transmission System Operators TSOs, electricity associations, consumers, network users, and power exchanges. The agenda will be coming soon Electricity networks codes and guidelines The European Commission's Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space DG DEFIS is pleased to invite you to the EDF Info Days 2024, an information and networking event to present, among others, the EDF 2024 calls for proposals. The event will take place on 28-29 May 2024 in a hybrid format, both in-person in Brussels and online. Registrations will open soon and a dedicated website will go live in the weeks to come In the meantime, we invite you to watch the EDF Info Days 2023 to get a taste of what to expect. Useful material This annual conference is a technical platform for sharing and discussing Member States' experiences and best practices in the implementation of the Integrated Administration and Control System IACS and its quality assessment. Tuesday 28 May and Wednesday 29 May 2024 lunch-to-lunch meeting. This meeting will take place in Lisbon Portugal. On Tuesday 28 May and Wednesday 29 May 2024, the RAN Families, Communities Social Care Working Group convenes its last meeting in Lisbon Portugal to discuss the topic of 'Trust-building and the context of the PCVE Practitioner'. We are presently looking for practitioners working with radicalised individuals or those vulnerable to radicalisation and the people close to them, such as social workers, family support practitioners and youth workers in the field of PCVE. Book your seat, 1 month left to register, registration will end on Friday 24 May 2024, 18:30 CEST Faced with recurrent water-related crises, this edition of the annual conference will debate what is needed to make the EU more water resilient, today and tomorrow. The European Commission, European Union Aviation Safety Agency, EUROCONTROL, SESAR Deployment Manager and SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking are jointly organising the world's first trajectory-based operations TBO symposium. The aim of the event is to showcase TBO's benefits and the progress being made in the realisation of the global TBO concept. The event will provide a forum for discussion and exchange on all aspects of TBO, including the operational benefits, concept, enablers, and the regulatory and standardisation aspects. Register Now Join us for the public event Let's reduce consumer food waste Solutions from the European Consumer Food Waste Forum on 5 June 2024 in Brussels. This event is dedicated to all actors engaged in consumer food waste prevention from both public and private sectors; from local regional national authorities, businesses and other organisations e.g. consumer and environmental NGOs, food banks and other charities etc., universities schools etc. Participants will share the latest initiatives, including those addressing consumer behaviour change, and will discuss how the solutions of the European Consumer Food Waste Forum can support their work. The Joint Research Centre, in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety set up the European Consumer Food Waste Forum as a network of international practitioners and researchers who identified a variety of evidence-based, practical solutions to reduce food waste at the consumer level, including household and food services. The result of their work was published as a Compendium of tools, best practices, and recommendations to help all key players engaging in actions to prevent food waste, as well as in informative leaflets in all EU languages with recommendations for policymakers, food businesses and schools. The conference will have an interactive format to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking between participants and experts, and will include: Registration to the event is mandatory if you want to attend it either in-person or online. The event will be webstreamed, except for the showcase of actions 13.00-13.30 and the feedback sessions 15.30-17.00.