Training and workshops: Financing opportunities for renewable energy projects
Financing Opportunities for Renewable Energy Projects
The European Commission Horizon Results Platform Team is pleased to announce a new webinar in partnership with the Innovation Fund titled “Financing opportunities for renewable energy projects”.
Date and Time: Thursday, 12 December 2024, from 10:00 to 11:45 (CET). The event will be held online and conducted in English.
This webinar is part of the EU-funded DIAMONDS4IF and REALIZE projects, which aim to support the development of Innovation Fund-ready projects. The focus is on ensuring project viability, preparing applicants for successful Innovation Fund applications, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, investors, and the value chain to accelerate European decarbonization efforts.
Participants will receive guidance on the Innovation Fund application process and the Hydrogen Auction Program, with essential information and support to maximize high-quality applications for the upcoming IF calls scheduled for 3rd December 2024.
Participation is free, but registration is required. At the end of the webinar, attendees can discuss their project ideas in a separate virtual meeting room with experts from PNO and/or Euro-Funding.
Feel free to forward this invitation to project partners who may be interested in submitting a project idea and need further support with their Innovation Fund application.