Workshop on strategy on supervisory data in EU financial services - progress and next steps
On 21 March 2024, the Commission Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA) held a virtual workshop on progress achieved and next steps in the implementation of the Commission’s strategy on supervisory data in EU financial services . The workshop took place shortly after the publication of the progress report on the implementation of the strategy . The report gave an overview of the progress achieved to date on the main policy initiatives and technical workstreams contributing to the implementation of the strategy. It also explained the challenges encountered and outlines the work that remains.
The implementation of the strategy is a long-term project that requires ongoing cooperation, coordination and exchange of information between the different authorities involved at EU and national level and also with industry. It contributes to the Commission’s wider aims to reduce administrative burden and rationalise reporting requirements and it develops a regulatory framework that is more suited to competitiveness and growth, as set out in the Communication on long-term competitiveness .
The workshop was an opportunity to discuss the state of play of the implementation of the strategy and, importantly, the focus areas and priorities for the next phase. It aimed to bring together experts from EU and national authorities as well as the financial services industry and other financial market participants to present their views and identify common concerns and needs.