Financial literacy research - Pathways to becoming financially competent
Bruxelles, Belgium, Europe

On Wednesday, 21 February 2024, the European Commission, the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA), and KU Leuven research centre LEER (Leuven Economics of Education Research) will organise an academic conference on financial literacy research -  pathways to becoming financially competent. 

Financial literacy is important, especially in today’s world where individuals are increasingly responsible for their financial well-being. Levels of financial literacy differ in the EU according to a recent Eurobarometer. Research insights and policy initiatives have proven relevant to promote financial literacy and design effective interventions. Important examples are the recently published financial competence framework for adults and the framework for children and youth  developed by the European Commission and OECD-INFE.

This conference aims to shed light on the importance of improving financial literacy levels, both for individuals and for society as a whole. We invite authors of  original theoretical or applied research in the areas of financial literacy, financial education, financial resilience, and financial well-being to submit their research until 10 December via the call-for-papers.

This conference together with the high-level conference on financial literacy, resilience and inclusion also aims to provide a platform for academics to meet experts, policy makers, regulators, representatives of civil society organisations, and other stakeholders to discuss opportunities, challenges and best practices.

Participants in the conference will have the possibility to  participate in the high-level conference on financial literacy, resilience and inclusion, organised by the European Commission and the FSMA on 20 February at the same location. In addition, they will have the opportunity to visit the leading Belgian financial education centre (Wikifin Lab), located next to the conference venue.

The academic conference is an in-person event taking place in Brussels (BE). Participants are expected to cover their own travel expenses. There is no participation fee for the academic conference on financial literacy research or the high-level conference on financial literacy, resilience and inclusion.

In-person event only.

Registrations have been closed as we have reached the maximum capacity.

Authors interested in submitting their research contribution should consult the call for papers.

Europe, Belgium, Bruxelles