STEP platform: online the portal with information and funding map

|Strategies|11 September 2024

STEP - Foto di Kohji Asakawa da PixabayThe portal of the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP), the EU's flagship initiative aimed at strengthening the production of critical emerging technologies relevant to the green and digital transitions in the EU and the Union's strategic sovereignty, is now online. 

Through the portal, it will be possible to access key information and also identify European funding opportunities. A significant part of the Strategic Technology Platform for Europe, which will also be complemented by calls promoted within the Member States.

This is the latest news from Brussels regarding STEP, whose purpose is to support the European industry severely tested by a series of factors such as: high inflation, labor shortages, supply chain disruptions, rising interest rates, and spikes in energy costs and input prices.

A situation that, in recent months, has highlighted the need for a more structural response to the investment needs of businesses

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