Climate targets 2040: Commission proposes 90 percent reduction in emissions

|Strategie|08 February 2024

Climate targets 2040 - Foto di andreas160578 da PixabayIn its communication presented on February 6, the European Commission proposes a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 90 percent by 2040 compared to 1990 levels. A target that does not betray promises made in recent months by Brussels but is framed at a time of great tension around EU environmental policies, which threatens to depower the Green Deal after the European elections.

To meet the goal set by European climate law of achieving climate neutrality in 2050, Brussels has presented an impact assessment on possible pathways to achieve it. The result is a communication on 2040 climate targets in which the European Executive recommends a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 90 percent by 2040 compared to 1990 levels.

However, this is not an obligation: the EU 2040 climate targets mark the start of a dialogue with stakeholders, namely citizens, businesses, trade unions, members of the European Parliament and national and local parliaments. It is a path that it will be up to the next European Commission to bring to fruition: after the European elections, in fact, a legislative proposal will be presented that the next Commission will have to agree with the European Parliament and the member states.

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