EU revises State Aid Regulations for agriculture: increased De Minimis thresholds

|Regulation|11 December 2024

Agriculture - Photo credit: Photo by Photo Mix from Pixabay The European Commission has amended the regulation governing minor state aid for the agricultural sector. From increasing the cap for individual aid to extending the deadline to 2032, here is how the de minimis agriculture changes.

The de minimis regulation in the agricultural sector exempts minor aid from state aid control, as it is believed that the limited amounts of these aids do not affect competition and trade in the single market.

Under the current framework, de minimis agriculture allows Member States to grant aid to the agricultural sector up to a maximum of 20,000 euros per individual beneficiary, or 25,000 euros if the Member State has a central register of "de minimis" aid, over three financial years, without prior notification to the European Commission. Exceeding these thresholds per beneficiary, each EU Member State must adhere to the so-called national ceiling, a maximum amount for such support, calculated based on the value of the Member State's agricultural production, to avoid potential competition distortions.

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