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Artificial Intelligence Act: Europe crosses the finish line first

15 March 2024

Ai Act - copyright Pixabay by Pexels Last Wednesday 13 March 2024, the European Parliament, reunited in Strasbourg for the Plenary session gave the final approval, by an overwhelming majority, to the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), the first ever regulation in the sector.

The regulation, agreed in negotiations with member states in December 2023, was endorsed by MEPs with 523 votes in favour, 46 against and 49 abstentions.

As part of its digital strategy, the EU intends to regulate artificial intelligence to ensure better conditions for the development and use of this innovative technology. AI can create many benefits, such as better health care, safer and cleaner transportation, more efficient manufacturing, and cheaper and more sustainable energy.

Furthermore, the AI Act aims to protect fundamental rights, democracy, the rule of law and environmental sustainability from high-risk AI, while boosting innovation and establishing
