Georgia - works for development of urban services

|Investments|21 April 2017

Georgia - Author Frank Miller from Washington, DC, United StatesContract for works of construction and completion of a wastewater treatment plant.

Uganda - construction and completion of agricultural markets

Ethiopia - supply of goods for pastoral livelihoods resilience

Georgia has received a financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost of Urban Services Improvement Investment Program – Tranche 4. Part of this financing will be used for payments under a contract for works

The United Water Supply Company of Georgia invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for the construction and completion of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Poti. In particular, the facility is located in town Poti and is situated in the Georgia's western part on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, approximately 310 km west of Tbilisi and 40 km south-west of Zugdidi.

Russia - works for district heating project

The work comprises design, construction and commissioning of the wastewater treatment plant for Poti.

International Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB bidding procedure and is open to all Bidders from eligible countries.

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