Azerbaijan - consultancy and training for road management

|Investments|06 February 2017

Tender for technical assistance under a project for the development of the motorway network in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaigian - Photo credit: ResoluteSupportMedia via / CC BY

Philippines - tender for consultancy in commercial sector

Morocco - invitation to tender for works in water sector

The Republic of Azerbaijan has received a loan and a credit from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of the Third Highway Project and it intends to apply part ofthe proceeds for consulting services.

Azeravtoyol OJSC is the government road agency responsible for the management of the country's road network. It is also the key beneficiary and implementing agency of the Azerbaijan Third Highway Project.

Jordan - goods and works for urban waste treatment

Through a World Bank financed project seven regional units were established to be responsible for operations and maintenance on sections of the Magistral network through a corridor management approach. These units are referred to as Regional Maintenance Units (RMUs), with each RMU responsible for approximately 250-300 km of the Magistral roads network.

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