EuroHPC JU, new call for proposals for Artificial Intelligence Factories

|In Evidence|11 September 2024

Call AI Factories - Photo by on UnsplashThe European Commission has launched a new call, under the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, to create and develop the first artificial intelligence factories in Europe. Here are the rules for accessing the new activity line of the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking.

This initiative is the result of the decision of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) Governing Board, which on July 26th amended the 2024 work programme to include the new pillar of AI Factories and introduce a new call to strengthen European leadership in the field of artificial intelligence.

This priority has also been listed as a significant intervention in the Draghi Report on the future of EU competitiveness. According to the report, the EU could "reduce AI implementation costs by increasing computing capacity and making its high-performance computing network available." The same text also highlights a recommendation aimed at the development and expansion of the EuroHPC JU to significantly increase the computing capacity dedicated to AI model training and algorithmic development in HPC centers.

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