Marie Curie Action: announced the 2024 COFUND call

|In Evidence|30 January 2024

Researchers - photo by Karolina Grabowska from PexelsStarting from October 8th, 2024, you can send your application for the 2024 round of the COFUND program backed by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). The program is open both for Doctoral and Post-doctoral researchers.

The 2024 call for the MSCA Co-funding of regional, national, and international programs (COFUND) aims to enhance excellence in researcher training and mobility by utilizing co-partnership mechanisms. With a budget of 99.2 million euros, it encourages the establishment or enhancement of doctoral programs and postdoctoral fellowship initiatives to propagate best practices observed in MSCA.

In broad terms, suggested programs can cover a variety of research disciplines, although, in certain instances, they may concentrate on particular subjects. This is exemplified by programs like “RIS3 Strategies”, which align with national or regional research and innovation strategies for smart specialization. In such cases, the array of specific subjects should provide researchers with a reasonable degree of flexibility in defining their topics.

To be more precise, the COFUND initiative provides supplementary financial backing for doctoral or postdoctoral programs managed by entities situated in EU member states or countries associated with Horizon Europe.

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