IPCEI CIS, unlocked 1.2 billion for cloud and edge computing

|In Evidence|11 December 2023

IPCEI CIS - Photo by Cottonbro studio from PexelsConsistent with European state aid rules, Brussels has approved an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) to support the research, development and early industrial deployment of advanced cloud and edge computing technologies among several vendors in Europe.

In detail, the project, called IPCEI Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI CIS), was notified to the European Commission jointly by seven EU member states: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain.

With Brussels' approval of the initiative, the countries that conceived it and are ready to implement it will make available up to 1.2 billion euros in public funding, which, in turn, should be able to mobilize another 1.4 billion euros in private investment.

"Highly ambitious research activities will be carried out under the IPCEI, which are necessary to enable the deployment of innovative data processing applications and services for the benefit of European businesses, public administrations and

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