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FP7-ERC-2009-Support: Invito a presentare proposte

12 ottobre 2009
€ 2.500.000
Invito a presentare proposte Coordination and Support Action (CSA) - Support nell'ambito del 7° Programma Quadro - IDEAS.

L'invito rientra nelle attività svolte dall'European Research Council classificate come Co-ordination and Support Actions.

Numero minimo di partecipanti (Minimum number of participants): At least 1 independent legal entity established in one of the Member States, or one of the associated countries (in the case of the participation of more than one legal entity the participants are not obliged to establish a consortium agreement).

Settori oggetto dell’invito (Topics): For the ERC-Support 2009 call, the ERC seeks to complement the project and stud
