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FASI - Funding Aid Strategies Investments

FP7-NMP-2008-SME-2 - Cooperazione

12 ottobre 2009
€ 4.855.000
L'invito sollecita proposte nell'ambito del programma specifico «Cooperazione», priorità Nanoscienze, nanotecnologie, materiali e nuove tecnologie di produzione.

Settori oggetto dell’invito (Topics called)

  • Development and validation of new industrial models and strategies: NMP-2008- 3.1-1 Transformation strategies for SMEs in turbulent global market environments - SMEs;
  • Exploitation of the convergence of technologies: NMP-2008-3.5-1 Volume production process chains for high throughput micromanufacturing;
  • Integration of technologies for industrial applications:
    - NMP-2008-4.0-7: Integration of new technologies and materials for differentiated consumer-centred product capability;
    - NMP-2008-4.0-8: Sm