EDF-2025-DA-GROUND-FM2LP: Future modular multifunctional land platforms and enabling technologies, including green technologies

18 February 2025|
Expected Impact:

The outcome should contribute to:

  • Address the 2023 EU Capability Development Priority "Ground Combat Capabilities", in particular its Key Impact Areas "Next Generation Manned and Unmanned Armoured Platforms" and "Modular and Multifunctional Systems of Systems for Effective Land Capabilities".
  • Provide the EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries end users with the means to integrate the qualified and certified platforms family of system of systems to reach the Initial Operation Capability (IOC) at the end of this decade.
  • Increase the EDTIB capacity to accelerate qualification and certification.
  • Provide solutions that solve future system of systems needs for EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries including holistic life cycle fleet management and readiness systems and personnel training systems.
  • Enhance and integrate the EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries desired technological building blocks for future vehicles and improve the performance capabilities of the in-service military vehicle fleets.
  • Provide vehicle solutions to reduced environmental and logistic footprint.
  • Provide opportunities to eliminate or limit environmentally toxic substances.
  • Establish EU business consortia able to offer competitive solutions for global markets, maximising impacts on cost-effectiveness and scale-effects, while stimulating industrial cross border cooperation.
  • Strongly reduce the dependence from non-EU technologies and products thereby increasing the EU's Security of Supply of armoured vehicles and
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