The action under this topic is expected to achieve the following impacts and contribute to the following EU policies/initiatives:
- improving outcomes for patients with chronic diseases by supporting them to stay on the recommended and most efficient treatment, reducing symptoms and side-effects in the best way;
- less co-morbidities for patients on chronic disease treatment;
- reducing inefficiencies and costs in healthcare systems.
These impacts are in alignment with objective 2 and 3 in the IHI JU.
Results from the IMI BEAMER project are expected to be taken into account and incorporated. The action resulting from this topic is expected to reach out and work together with other initiatives, e.g. IMI Gravitate Health and those funded through the Horizon Health call on "Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care". Data collection will be in agreement with recommendations from the European Health Data Space (EHDS).
Expected Outcome:The main outcome of this research collaboration is to better understand why significant advances in technology in recent years have not contributed to widespread improvements in healthcare systems, which still struggle to keep more than 50 % of people on chronic disease treatment for longer than 12 months. The goal is to develop and pilot innovative and multi-stakeholder