CREA-CULT-2025-COOP-UA-1: Supporting Ukrainian artists and cultural organisations to co-create/showcase

07 February 2025|
Expected Impact:

This action is expected, by reinforcing Cultural cooperation between Ukraine and other Creative Europe countries, to help Ukrainian cultural and creative sectors organisations, artists and professionals. It will also contribute to the further integration of Ukraine's cultural and creative sectors in the EU's cultural landscape.

It is expected that the action will facilitate the implementation of future investments linked to the recovery of the cultural and creative sectors in Ukraine, particularly in view of the EU candidate status.


Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine has had devastating effects on the Ukrainian cultural and creative sectors with many organisations and artists that cannot operate and reach out to their national and international audiences.

In addition, many Ukrainians, whether refugees or internally/internationally displaced people, do not have full access to culture.

This call intends to build ties between Ukrainian organisations and their counterparts based in the other countries participating in the Creative Europe programme, therefore furthering their integration into the European landscape and contributing to the EU's international cultural relations.

Within the context of the New European Agenda for Culture, an important element of strengthening social cohesion and resilience is the development of the cultural sector, the protection and restoration of cultural heritage in Ukraine. All

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