CEF-DIG-2024-GATEWAYS-STUDIES: Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways - Studies

17 February 2025|
Expected Impact:

The expected benefits go beyond those directly related to supported projects and contribute to bridging the digital divide and ensuring widespread access to Gigabit networks for all EU citizens and businesses. Moreover, this connectivity infrastructure can cross-facilitate the implementation of other topics supported under CEF Digital, such as the availability of HPC-related facilities, etc.


The objective of this call is to support the deployment of strategic networks as part of the Digital Global Gateway Strategy of the EU, contributing to strengthen the quality of connectivity within the Union as well as with third countries.

Access to backbone connectivity in EU Member States may differ significantly. In certain regions a lack of adequate backbone connectivity may have an impact on the development of, and service provided by access networks, and may generate possible imbalances in the prices of services, both for network operators in these regions, as well as for the users.

This can be the case, for example, for Member States that are themselves islands and/or have islands as part of their territory. For some remote territories such as islands, Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories, commercial prices and other conditions of backbone connectivity may hinder the full participation of both

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