EU4H-2024-PJ-03-1: Call for proposals to support a comprehensive, prevention-oriented approach to mental health in the Union - (DP-g-24-25)

23 January 2025|
Expected Impact:

The expected results of this action are an improved and accelerated move towards the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to mental health, including in areas such as mental health promotion and prevention, better and earlier detection, and interventions to tackle mental health issues, access to innovative approaches to managing mental health conditions in communities, and quality of life of patients and their families/(in)formal carers in the Member States, through:

  • collection and sharing of information, knowledge, promising and best practice approaches on a comprehensive approach to mental health under the above-mentioned areas of actions;
  • support for national, regional and local policymakers and decision-makers in the move towards a more comprehensive approach to mental health;
  • data identification and dissemination on the key social, environmental, commercial and behavioural factors that influence the mental health of citizens, especially children and young people;
  • development of policy advice and of a communication toolkit on how to best reach and involve vulnerable and socio-economically disadvantaged population groups in local community settings, on mental health issues, especially depression, suicide prevention and addressing stigma and discrimination;
  • reinforced cooperation, exchange networks and dissemination between civil society organisation to support the move towards a comprehensive approach on mental health.
  • Objective:

    The aim of

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