CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM-HISTMIGRATION: Migration, de-colonisation and multicultural European societies

03 December 2024|

3. CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM-HISTMIGRATION - Migration, de-colonisation and multicultural European societies

Migration, de-colonisation, slavery, and imperialism are embedded in the European history, and all have profound consequences for society today.

Migration has a long and varied history in Europe but is often treated solely as a present- day phenomenon. However, population movements in Europe, from economic migration to expulsion and deportation, from fleeing violence and persecution to migration after EU accession have marked recent European history. Migration is multi-faceted and the experiences of migration into, out of or within Europe are lessons for future generations.

Forced migration, internal displacement and expulsion is an experience shared by many Europeans during the period of war, as visible again due to the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Colonialism, slavery, and imperialism have left a mark on global history. Prejudices and stereotypes can be addressed by acknowledging the historical roots of racism, including from an intersectional perspective. De-colonisation, the dismantlement of colonial empires particularly in the 20th century and the emerging post-colonial European societies are shaped by this experience until today. While for many, colonialism is considered a chapter in history, the consequences of imperialistic rule inside and outside Europe are felt still today and are intertwined with structural racism and

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