CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM-TRANSITION: Democratic transition, (re-)building and strengthening society based on the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights

03 December 2024|

1. CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM-TRANSITION - Democratic transition,(re-)building and strengthening society based on the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights

Europe's 20th century experience shows the fragility of democracy and the continuous need for people to engage and defend democratic institutions and values. Historical experience such as in the 1920s and 1930s, when newly established democracies declined due to internal or external attacks, are stark reminders of this vulnerability. Today's achievements come again under pressure with rising populism, extremism and societal divisions. Equally, the democratic transition from authoritarian or totalitarian rule needed the (re-)building of democratic institutions based on the rule of law, which protect fundamental rights for all members of society, such as the period after WWII and post-1989. The EU is a community of values and all its Member States are based on these values. While democratic transition and consolidation prepared the ground for democratic society, providing historical justice after the end of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes for victims and affected communities can contribute to a healing of society.

Projects under this priority should focus on the transition from authoritarian and totalitarian rule to democracy in different European countries, their similarities and differences and the lessons retained for the future about how

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