LIFE-2024-CET-PDA: Project Development Assistance for sustainable energy investments

23 January 2025|
Expected Impact:

Proposals should present the concrete results which will be delivered by the activities, and demonstrate how these results will contribute to the topic-specific impacts. This demonstration should include a detailed analysis of the starting point and a set of well-substantiated assumptions and establish clear causality links between the results and the expected impacts.

Proposals should result in the launch of an energy efficiency and/or renewable investment programme as well as the delivery of scalable financing solutions for sustainable energy investment projects with a particular emphasis on private sector funds. Proposals submitted under this topic should demonstrate that every million EUR of EU support will trigger at least EUR 15 million of investments in sustainable energy in the form of signed work contracts or investment contracts. In case projects address exclusively investments in residential buildings, the triggered investments should be at least EUR 10 million for every million EUR of EU support. Proposals should also contribute to increased skills and capacity to deliver further sustainable energy investments.

Proposals should quantify their results and impacts using the indicators provided for the topic, when they are relevant for the proposed activities. They should also propose indicators which are specific to the proposed activities. Proposals

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