CEF-E-2025-CBRENEW-STUDIES: Cross-border renewable energy studies projects

22 October 2024|
Expected Impact:

This topic aims at financing projects contributing to the goals and objectives of the European Green Deal, as well as the Paris Agreement and the 2030 climate and energy targets and the EU's objectives for climate neutrality, in accordance with recitals 5 and 30 of the CEF Regulation and in line with the Multi annual Work Programme. It is expected that the financial assistance contributes to the development and the implementation of CB RES projects, leading to cost-effective achievement of renewables target by 2030 in the EU (as referred to in Article 3 of Directive 2018/2001/EC) and to the strategic uptake of renewables technologies. Cross-border RES projects are an integral element of the enabling framework for regional and cross-border cooperation on renewables and facilitate cross border cooperation in the field of energy (as referred to in Article 3 of the CEF Regulation).


Based on the provisions of Article 7 and Annex Part IV of CEF Regulation, CB RES projects shall promote cross-border cooperation between Member States in the field of planning, development and the cost-effective exploitation of renewable energy sources, as well as facilitate their integration through energy storage facilities and with the aim of contributing to the Union's long

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