Conferences and summits: Roundtable on EU markets for commercial papers and certificates of deposit
The aim of the event is to hold a general exchange on the recently strengthened focus, in the EU and globally, on the functioning of short-term debt markets (commercial paper and certificates of deposit). This discussion will take place against the background of the objectives on the capital markets union (CMU) , EU competitiveness and preservation of financial stability. It will bring together market participants across the entire spectrum: issuers, investors, broker-dealers, as well as platforms and post‑trade infrastructure operators.
This event is intended to help the Commission gather evidence and insight into the functioning of short-term debt markets, identify potential avenues for improvement, and understand the role policymakers can play in addressing shortcomings.
If multiple registrations per organisation have been received for physical presence, we would limit the physical representation to a single person per organisation. Others are welcome to follow the event online.
The event will be web streamed. The web stream link will be available here soon.