Conferences and summits: InfoPoint conference: Achievements and future of the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative
InfoPoint Conference: Achievements and Future of the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative
The conference marks the 25th Anniversary of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. It highlights the achievements and future plans of the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative, which was launched in 2017 to combat violence against women and girls. The initiative has been implemented in 5 regions through 26 country programmes, 6 regional programmes, and 2 programmes with UN Trust Funds. It is recognized as one of the 12 High Impact Initiatives for its impact across all Sustainable Development Goals.
The event will showcase the initiative's impact and results, discuss the role of women's rights and civil society organizations, and explore pathways to strengthen partnerships against gender-based violence. It will also present the Global Learning Centre, an online resource platform for designing and implementing comprehensive programmes on violence against women and girls.
Speakers include Erica Gerretsen, Florence Raes, Erin Kenny, Shamah Bulangis, Manuel Contreras Urbina, Heran Ayele, and Amy Bretherton. The event will be held in English, with a Q&A session also in English.
Registration is available for both onsite and online participation.